HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş has responded to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu who blamed the PKK for the shady armed attack that claimed the life of Amed Bar President Tahir Elçi in Amed on 28 November.
Demirtaş said the followings addressing to Davutoğlu on his Twitter account; “Mr. Prime Minister, have you ever investigated the crime scene to be right to blame the PKK since the very first moment? On which documents do you ground this allegation? Wasn't it you who imposed a curfew and hindered a scene investigation soon after the incident? There is only one thing made clear by many video footage and witnesses; it is only policemen that fired near Elçi. Why are you ignoring this point? You say “If Elçi was alive”, he was alive 4 days ago and you were busy lynching him with all your press and judicial army.”
Reacting to Davutoğlu's remarks that Elçi's coffin was covered with a 'thing', Demirtaş said; "That thing is not a flag but the colors used by the Kurdish people for thousands of years. Will you become everyone's flag by disrespecting this even? You had better perceive that you are ruling a state. You are responsible for all the things happening in the country. You cannot come up with a solution to any problem by threatening and pointing us as a target. We do not fear anyone other than God, and this is something you know best."