Demonstrations against racism throughout Europe
The 19 February racist attack in Hanau was protested in many countries of Europe. Activists paid tribute to the victims.
The 19 February racist attack in Hanau was protested in many countries of Europe. Activists paid tribute to the victims.
Nine people, including Kurds, were killed in an attack in two German cafes in Hanau. The attacks were carried out by a German racist.
After the commemorative events and protest actions in several cities on Thursday, demonstrations were organised on Friday evening throughout Europe while today more actions are expected.
"Zusammen Kämpfen Stuttgart" components gathered at Ostendplatz in Stuttgart and held a press conference.
"Let's fight together against racist, anti-Semitic attacks and right-wing terrorism," the statement read.
The Democratic Kurdish Community Center organized an action in Osnabrück. German leftist groups joined the action. During the march, the racist attack in Hanau was protested and the government was called to take serious measures to stop racist attacks.
Turkish Kurdish revolutionary groups organised a protest in the Netherlands city of Den Haag. The action was held before the German Consulate General. In the statement made on behalf of the Platform for Democracy, the racist wave rising in Europe was highlighted and it was stated that the policies implemented by governments actually help these racist attitudes to rise. The action also emphasized the support given by the German government to the fascist AKP-MHP regime.
Hundreds of people gathered in the Stauffacher area to join the actions promoted by the IDGB (Swiss Democratic Power Association) in Zurich to protest the racist attack in Hanau and paid tribute to the victims.
In the speech made on behalf of IDGB "sadness and anger" were expressed.
The IDGB statement said: "The main responsible of these massacres are the European states that target immigrants with wrong immigration policies. The policies of these states actually promote xenophobia and racism."
About 400 people gathered in Ulm, Germany, to condemn the racist attack and commemorate those who lost their lives in Hanau.
AHEF, AGIF, ATIF, KON-MED, Anatolian Federation, SYKP, InterBündnis, MLPD, AGEB, Left, DIDF, Alevi Center, HDB Left Party, Greens, Left Party, CDU joined the demo.
In the statement made by the promoters the attack was condemned and victims remembered.
Thousands of people gathered in front of the Dom church in Cologne. Cologne Metropolitan Mayor Henriette Reker condemned the racist attack. Trade unions and left organizations called on people to join forces against racist attacks.
Kurds also took their places in the march with their own colors. After the speeches, thousands of people marched to Ebertplatz with slogans.
A march will be held in Basel today at 2 pm.