Disintegration in the Turkish state deepens: Hundreds of soldiers arrested
Military commanders who conducted operations in Kurdistan are among the arrested.
Military commanders who conducted operations in Kurdistan are among the arrested.
The fight for power within the Turkish state is escalating. The operation AKP regime launched for the Turkish Armed Forces following the attempted coup continues. The military commanders who conducted operations in Kurdistan are among the arrested.
Ankara Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor Necip Cem İşçimen announced that more than 500 people had been detained in Ankara.
Procedures for 58 of the 105 detained military officers have been completed. 51 military officers (including Denizli Garrison and 11th Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Özbakır, officers and petty officers) were arrested by the court they were referred to, and 6 military personnel were released to be tried without imprisonment.
Aegean Corps Chief of Staff Major General Memduh Hakbilen and Amphibious Marine Infantry Brigade Commander Commodore Halil İbrahim Yıldız were detained. With 1 Major General, 1 Brigadier General, 1 Commodore, 8 Colonels, 4 Lieutenant Colonels, 3 Majors, 6 Captains and 18 soldiers of different ranks, a total of 42 soldiers were arrested in the city.
Pilot Captain Murat Dağlı, Pilot Captain Zeki Göçmen, Captain Ali Aktürk, Lieutenant Colonel Davut Uçun, Lieutenant Colonel Arif Ersoy, Major Orhan Demir, Major Savaş Kurul, Captain Kadir Eres, Captain Akın Belek, Captain Mehmet Cantaş, Lieutenant Süleyman Kayabaşı, Sergeant Major Aydın Özsıcak, Staff Sergeant Ahmet Kocan and Staff Sergeant Murat Gösterit were detained.
Balıkesir Garrison Commander Major General Mehmet Akyürek and Çanakkale Strait and Garrison Commander Commodore Serdar Ahmet Gündoğdu were detained. Lüleburgaz 65th Mechanized Infantry Brigade Commander Brigadier General Cemalettin Doğan and 130 more soldiers are under arrest.
1st Army Command Chief of Operations Brigadier General Eyyüp Gürler and İstanbul Province Gendarmerie Commander Staff Colonel Sercan Gürcan, İstanbul Airforce Academy Staff Colonel Ahmet Gümüş and Pilot Colonel Karakuş from Air Force Command are among the detainees. Gümüş and Karakuş were arrested from Balıkesir province’s Ayvalık district, where they were preparing to cross to Greece’s Lesbos island.
2nd Army Commander Chief Marshall Adem Huduti and 2nd Army Staff Marshall and Malatya Garrison Commander Major General Avni Andun were detained. Huduti had been carrying out the operations in Cizre and Sur. Hakkari Mountain and Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ahmet Otal, who had conducted the operations in Yüksekova, was also detained. Another name responsible for operations in Gever, Yüksekova 3rd Tactical Infantry Division Commander Major General Halil İbrahim Ergin is also under arrest.
Istanbul 3rd Army Corps Commander Lieutenant General Erdal Öztürk was detained in Bursa’s İnegöl district. Öztürk had called the troops to “return to the barracks” in a live feed in NTV during the coup attempt.
Staff Lieutenant Colonel Fatih Kılınç, involved in the coup, was killed in the operation.
Kocaeli Public Prosecutor’s Office issued arrest warrants for Rear Admiral Sinan Azmi Tosun stationed in the Fleet Command, Naval Air Base Commander Commodore Tezcan Kızılelma, Gölcük Marine Base Commander Commodore Hayrettin İmren and Intelligence Colonel Muharrem Aslan.
14 people including 4 Squirt Plane crew members were arrested on orders of Adana Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. Adana İncirlik 10th Squirt Base Commander Pilot Brigadier General Bekir Ercan Van is among the arrestees.
Mersin Garrison Commander and Mediterranean Regional Commander Commodore Nejat Atilla Demirhan was arrested. Gendarmerie Schools Commander Brigadier General Sadık Köroğlu was arrested in Beytepe.
Pilot Colonel Murat Dağlı, Pilot Colonel Zeki Göçmen, Colonel Ali Aktürk, Lieutenant Colonel Davut Uçun, Captain Mehmet Cantaş, Sergeant Major Aydın Özsıcak, Staff Sergeant Murat Gösterit and Staff Sergeant Ahmet Kocan were arrested and charged with being the military personnel who attended the operation on the hotel President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was staying in Marmaris.
Bolu Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General İsmail Güneşer, who had been 11th President Abdullah Gül’s aid-de-camp for 4 years was arrested. Güneşer was arrested in Hakkari’s Şemdinli district and his home in Bolu province was searched. Bingöl 49th Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Yunus Kotaman is also under arrest. Mardin 70th Mechanized Infantry Brigade Commander Brigadier General Salih Kırhan was arrested.
34th Border Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ali Salnur, Çukurca 2nd Border Brigade Commander Brigadier General Cihat Erdoğan and Çukurca 2nd Border Brigade Commander Kavuşak Base Regional Commander Colonel Çetin Öğüt were also arrested in Hakkari’s Çukurca district. Hakkari Province Gendarmerie Commander Staff Colonel Demircan Demirci and Muş Garrison Commander Staff Colonel İsmail Işık were arrested.
In Şırnak, Çakırsöğüt Gendarmerie Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ali Osman Gürcan and 309 soldiers, including 2 Majors and 3 Captains, were arrested.
Siirt 3rd Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ahmet Şimşek and his aide Colonel Alican Erkilitlioğlu were also arrested.
Malatya Governor Mustafa Toprak announced that 39 personnel from 7 fighter jets that landed in Malatya Airport were detained.
Iğdır Aralık Infantry Battalion Commander Infantry Major Hüseyin Dağcı and Infantry First Lieutenant Emin Türksever and Aralık Gendarmerie Division Commander Captain Özkan Özalp were arrested. Garrison and 5th Border Regimen Commander Infantry Staff Colonel Ekrem Küçükberber and Gendarmerie Regimen Commander Colonel Mustafa Ulus had been detained yesterday. Arrest warrants were issued for Ardahan Garrison and 25th Border Brigade Commander Brigadier General Ali Avcı and 9th Commando Brigade Commander Brigadier General Murat Yetkin in Sarıkamış.
Trabzon Governor Yücel Yavuz announced that Trabzon 4th Motorized Infantry Brigade Deputy Commander Tank Staff Colonel Bahadır Dalgıç was arrested in the attempted coup investigation.
Artvin Garrison Commander Infantry Staff Colonel Gençay was arrested.
Gendarmerie Staff Colonel Ömer Kulaç stationed in Kırşehir Province Gendarmerie Command was arrested in Nevşehir.
Judge Captain Fahri Karakaya, Judge Lieutenant Sezai Zengin, Judge Second Lieutenant Revzanur Güngör, Judge Lieutenant Fahrettin Güngör, Judge Lieutenant Kerim Dağ and Judge Second Lieutenant Veli Akçil were arrested in in Erzurum. Gendarmerie Staff Colonel Emre Fırat was arrested in Kayseri.