DTK-HDK Women's Council delegation in Roboski

DTK-HDK Women's Council delegation in Roboski

A delegation of DTK (Democratic Society Congress) and HDK (People's Democratic Congress) Women's Council members has paid a visit to the families of Roboski victims who were killed in a bombardment by Turkish warplanes on 28 December 2011. The delegation also joined the families' weekly vigil for justice at the graveyard where victims are buried.

The delegation from Amed visited Roboski families after joining the vigil in the Democratic Liberation and Solution tent women put up in Şırnak under the leadership of Democratic Free Women's Movement (Demokratik Özgür Kadın Hareketi – DÖKH). The women joining the tent vigil in Şırnak, as well as those in Dersim and Hakkari, are monitoring the ongoing process of withdrawal of Kurdish guerrillas across Turkish borders.

After the weekly vigil in the graveyard, the delegation held a meeting with Roboski families. "The Kurdish question cannot be resolved unless light is shed on the Roboski massacre", families said and asked the delegation to provide support for the disclore of the truth on Roboski massacre. The delegation said the Women's Council of DTK and HDK will prepare a Roboski Report and present it to the parliamentary groups of BDP (Peace and Democracy Party), CHP (Republican People's Party) and AKP (Justice and Development Party).

The delegation also held debates with the public about the ongoing process of HPG guerrillas' withdrawal.