ESU launches campaign for the recognition of the Sayfo genocide

Petition urges the European Parliament to recognize Sayfo 1915 genocide and side with the historical truth and justice as the foundational pillars of the European ideals.

The European Syriac Union (ESU) launched a campaign to bring the issue of the 1915 Ottoman genocide of Syriac-Assyrian Christians, or Sayfo, before the European Parliament. Signatures will be collected via an “e-petition” hosted at hoping to show the European Union that there is sufficient popular support for them to address the issue seriously. The Sayfo, commemorated on 15 June of each year, was carried out by the Ottoman Empire.

The European Syriac Union called for support for the petition on the eve of 15 June, Sayfo Martyrs Day.

The petition, which can be found here, reads as follows:

“Starting from 1914 and in the following years, Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian-Aramean people in the Ottoman Empire have been subjected to the genocide, mass killings, deportations and forced conversions. Moreover, hundreds of churches, monasteries, holy places have been desecrated, cultural, social and economic assets have been seized and changed hand by the Ottoman-Turkish rule and their local allies and genocide continue on native people.

During the genocide of 1915, Armenians, Greek Pontics and Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian-Aramean people, namely Christian entities have been targeted and their millennial presence have been demolished. The genocide of 1915 known as “Sayfo” means “Sword” caused the death of 500.000 Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian-Aramean people notably women, children, and innocent civilians. Starting with the community leaders and intellectuals, genocide took place in Turabdin, Hakkari, Van, Urmia in Iran and Adıyaman region.

Based on this, we urge European Parliament to recognize Sayfo 1915 genocide and side with the historical truth and justice as the foundational pillars of the European ideals.”