EUTCC: Verdict in Kobanê trial is ignoring European rulings

The EUTCC said in a statement that the verdict in the Kobanê trial is "ignoring European rulings.

The EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) said in a statement that "in the show trial known as the 'Kobanê trial' in Turkey against 108 people, including leading HDP politicians, the verdicts were pronounced. As expected, the defendants were sentenced to long prison terms."

The statement added: "The trial was political, and so was the judgement. It reveals Turkey’s attitude towards ISIS. The defendants had shown solidarity with the fight against ISIS in Rojava. The judgement is an acquittal for ISIS. Even though the coalition of AKP and MHP is decisive, the way was paved with the votes of the CHP, which agreed to lift the immunity of numerous HDP deputies. 

After a retrial in the case of Osman Kavala was recently rejected, this anti-democratic judgement now follows."

The statement continued: "The signals from Turkey in favour of a European rapprochement have now been deciphered. Unambiguous answers are now needed from Europe, above all from the European Union and the Council of Europe. Expressing concern and acting hesitantly strengthens authoritarianism. Those who want a democratic Turkey have to support the democratic forces and act now. 

The judgement shows that Turkey is ignoring the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights and the resolutions of the Council of Europe and the Council of Ministers of the European Union, all of which call for the release of detainees. The EUTCC calls on the European institutions to immediately impose political sanctions out of respect for their own decisions."