Expert report: Conditions of Elçi murder can’t be determined

The panel of experts has submitted a report saying it was physically and medically impossible to determine the conditions of Amed Bar Association President Tahir Elçi’s murder.

The investigation launched after Amed Bar Association President Tahir Elçi was killed in front of cameras on November 28, 2015 continues.

The crime scene investigation had been interrupted twice citing the clashes as a reason. The collection of evidence was completed four months later, on March 17 with the attendance of the Chief Public Prosecutor Ramazan Solmaz and officials from the Bar Association.

Criminal experts from Provincial Gendarmerie Command and Gendarmerie General Command conducted the 2-day-long efforts. They focused on the shop building where the bullet that hit Elçi was presumed to have hit.

The gendarmerie units preparing the crime scene investigation report said the area was damaged by clashes and have lost their crime scene attributes.

In the crime scene investigation, a mannequin was placed to where Elçi died and lasers were used to determine the projectory of the shot. Laser projection using the mannequin of Elçi’s height revealed 8 possible angles in the street.

The report for the crime scene investigation on March 17 was completed recently. The 17 page report prepared by Forensic Expert Dr. Yusuf Tanrıkulu, Ballistic Experts Erdal Sarıbey and Mustafa Erdoğan, Technical Photograph Analysis Expert Mustafa Yargı and Crime Scene Investigation Expert Sedat Mert said it was “impossible to determine the conditions of the shooting”.