Families of victims of unidentified murders ask: Where is Hurşit Külter?

Many people that have lost their loved ones in political murders asked "Where is Hurşit Külter?" on social media.

Many people that have lost their loved ones in political murders asked "Where is Hurşit Külter?" on social media.

Alaz Erdost, the daughter of İlhan Erdost who was killed on November 7, 1980, said "I am the daughter of İlhan Erdost, who was beaten to death in Mamak Military Prison. In order to prevent further political murders in this country, I ask: Where is Hurşit Külter?"

Zeynep Altıok, daughter of Metin Altıok who was burnt to death in Sivas, said "I am the daughter of Metin Altıok, who was burnt during the Sivas massacre. In order to prevent further political murders, I ask: Where is Hurşit Külter?"

Alev Özgüner, daughter of Sevinç Özgüner who was killed at her house on May 23, 1980; 

Mazlum Çimen, son of Nesimi Çimen massacred in Sivas; 

Filiz Ali, daughter of Sabahattin Ali who disappeared during his detention; 

Family of Hasan Ocak; 

Naki Kaftancıoğlu, son of Ümit Kaftancıoğlı who was massacred in 1980; 

Meryem Göktepe, sister of Metin Göktepe, and

Eren Aysan, daughter of poet Behçet Aysan burnt to death in Sivas, also asked "Where is Hurşit Külter?" on social media.
