French and German delegations visit HDP

Senators from the French parliament and the SPD visited HDP’s Parliamentary Group.

The French Parliamentary Delegation including senators from the French Parliament Cecile Duflot and Sergio Coronado and representatives from the French Embassy visited HDP’s Parliament Group.

The delegation met with Deputy Co-chair for Foreign Relations Hişyar Özsoy, Parliament Chief Executor Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Batman MP Ayşe Acar Başaran and Amed MP Ziya Pir.

German Social Democrat Party (SPD) Deputy Chair Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel and the accompanying delegation also visited HDP’s Parliament Group. The delegation met with Hişyar Özsoy, Ağrı MP Berdan Öztürk, Ziya Pir, Mardin MP Ali Atalan and Şırnak MP Aycan İrmez.


In separate meetings with the two delegations, they were informed of the illegality of the isolation practices imposed upon the imprisoned co-chairs and deputies.

The HDP delegation stated that the AKP government used the July 15 coup attempt as an opportunity in their oppressive policies against the opposition and that the silence from the international community was perceived as support for the government. The delegations exchanged views on the necessity for more awareness from the international community to pull Turkey back on the track for democracy, and against the destruction and displacement in the Kurdish cities.