French institutions call for participation in Paris rally
Several institutions in Paris have called for participation in a rally and meeting due to be held on January 12 in Paris.
Several institutions in Paris have called for participation in a rally and meeting due to be held on January 12 in Paris.
Several institutions in Paris have called for participation in a rally and meeting due to be held on January 12 in Paris.
A written statement by the institutions highlights the role of the Turkish state in the Paris massacre.
“In order to implement justice for Sakine, Fidan and Leyla, we call on all women to join the march. Three women, there generations, three freedom fighters were massacred in Paris, the perpetrators should be held accountable” the statement said.
The institutions that have called for the rally are:
Women’s Solidarity (Femmes Solidaires – FS)
Women’s World March (Marche Mondiale des Femmes)
Réseau Féministe «Ruptures»
European Women’s Lobby French Coordination (Coordination Française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes – CLEF)
Socialist Women’s Union (Union des Femmes Socialistes – SKB)
Women in Struggle (Femmes en Lutte 93)
Hélène Bidard - Adjointe à la Maire de Paris en charge de l’Egalité Femmes-Hommes
Laurence Cohen – Senator for Val de Marne and Women’s Rights Delegation former chairperson (Sénatrice du Val de Marne et vice-présidente de la Délégation aux Droits des Femmes)
Danielle Sionnet – French Left Party General Coordinator (Coordinatrice du Parti de Gauche – PG)
Anne Sabourin – French Communist Party Executive for Europe (Responsable Europe du PCF)
Halima MENHOUDJ –Deputy Mayor of Montreuil Municipality (Adjointe au Maire de Montreuil, en charge de la coopération décentralisée de la solidarité internationale)
Anti-sexist Libertarian Collective (Le collectif Libertaire Anti-Sexiste)
Catherine Samary – Féministe Altermondialiste
Fabienne Lefebvre – French Communist Party National Council and Vitry-sur-Seine Regional Municipality Councillor (Comité exécutif national du PCF – Conséillere Monicipale et Territoriale à Vitry-Sur-Seine)
Crysis Caporal – Feminist Ecologist Elected (Elue Ecologiste Féministe)
Union of Democratic Women from Iran (LFID - La Ligue des Femmes Iraniennes pour Démocratie)
French Amazhing Collective (Collectif des Amazighs en France)
French Young Communists Movement (MJCF- Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France)
Human Rights League (LDH - La ligue des droits de l’homme)
Movement of Kurdish Women in France (TJK-F Mouvement des Femmes Kurt France)