From Berlin to Toronto: No to the AKP policies against Kurds
From Berlin to Toronto, over the Atlantic, a wave of protest is growing against the latest political coup from the AKP.
From Berlin to Toronto, over the Atlantic, a wave of protest is growing against the latest political coup from the AKP.
The decision by the Turkish government to seize the HDP-run metropolitan municipalities of Amed, Van and Mardin has been protested all over Europe and across the Atlantic.
Organized by the Berlin Action Committee, the protest in the German capital received the support of many associations and groups including the Berlin Free Kurdistan Community, DESTDAN Berlin Women's Assembly, Yazidi Women's Assembly, PYD Berlin, HDK-Berlin Brandenburg, ATIK, ADHF, KKP, Green Left Party, SYKP, AvEG-KON, Labor and Freedom Front, the Dersim Community and the Federation of Dersim Associations (FDG).
The activists gathered at Kottbusser Tor square in the borough of Kreuzberg.
Kathına Schubert from Die Linke, Hakan Taş, Hüseyin Yılmaz, DTK representative, Seher Yeter, HDK- Berlin Brandenburg co-spokesperson, Sileman Heci, PYD Berlin representative, and Nicks Brauns all addressed the crowd and condemned the AKP new political coup.
Over 500 people joined the demonstration and the speakers underlined that the decision of appointing trustees was a blow to the will of the Kurdish people.
The speakers called on everyone to unite in the fight against AKP fascism.
Across the Atlantic, a rally was organised in Toronto.
Kurds gathered in one of the busiest squares of the city to protest the AKP political coup and express their solidarity with the freely and legitimately elected HDP mayors.