Geneva II might be held in November
Geneva II might be held in November
Geneva II might be held in November
The so called "Geneva II Conference", the international peace talks on the Syria conflict could take place on November 23 and 24, according to Syria's deputy prime minister Qadri Jamil.
Speaking in Moscow on Thursday, Jamil said that "Geneva is a way out for everyone: the Americans, Russia, the Syrian regime and the opposition".
"Whoever realises this first will benefit. Whoever does not realise it will find himself overboard, outside the political process", he is quoted to have said .
On a separate issue, several agencies reported on Thursday that inspectors from the Hague-based Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), said to be "on track" as to be able to meet deadlines to destroy Syria's toxic stockpile. "The team is confident, the morale is high and cooperation from the Syrian authorities has been forthcoming" Malik Ellahi, special adviser to Director General Ahmet Uzumcu said. The organisation has visited nearly half of more than 20 sites declared by Damascus.