German organizations join the international campaign “Freedom for Öcalan”

17 German civil society and political organizations have joined the campaign "The time has come: Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan towards a just peace in Turkey".

The Kurdish Human Rights Action Group (KHRAG) in South Africa and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) launched the campaign: “The Time Has Come: “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan towards a just peace in Turkey” on January 11, 2021.


The number of organizations supporting the campaign is increasing worldwide. Recently, the following organizations, institutions and initiatives in Germany have also joined the campaign with joint statements:

"The Red Aid (Rote Hilfe), an organization which promotes solidarity with prisoners through branches in 40 cities of Germany and more than 10 thousand members; the youth organizations of the Green Party in the states of NRW and Hamburg, Grüne Jugend; Seebrücke Berlin; Women Defend Rojava; Feminist movement  'Joint Struggle' (Gemeinsam kämpfen); Campaign for Victims of Racist Police Violence (KOP); Kampagne Rheinmetall Entwaffnen; Rojava-Solibündnis Leipzig; Attac Hamburg; Antifa Lüneburg Unzen; Make Rojava Green Again; Communist Union Solidarity KOMinternist; Antifaschistische Aktion Lüneburg / Uelzen; Migrantifa Berlin; Attac Dortmund and Feminist Party Die Frauen."

Organizations such as Tamil Eelam People's Assembly and Ya Basta Netzwerk from Germany also announced in a joint statement their participation in the campaign.