Governor of Muş banned meetings, marches and press conferences

The decision comes after the local election in which 2,500 votes to the HDP were considered invalid after an appeal. 

The Governor of Muş has banned meetings, demonstrations and press releases for 15 days.

HDP co-mayoral candidate Sırrı Sakık said about the ban: “All we aim at is a legitimate election result and this to be a city in peace.”

The Governor of Muş announced that protests such as meetings, demonstrations and press releases in the city were banned for 15 days. The Governor’s office issued a written communique to confirm the ban. 

The decision comes after the local election in which 2,500 votes to the HDP were considered invalid after an appeal. 

HDP, co-mayoral candidate Sırrı Sakık said in his social media account: “People had voted to send back to Ankara the trustee. We want to respect this will and demand the implementation of the law and the constitution that have been violated. We will apply with all kinds of legal means.”