HDP Co-chair Yüksekdağ sends a letter to metal workers
HDP Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ has sent a letter to metal workers whose strike has brought an attainment, saying: “Those who unite, act in solidarity, struggle and resist do triumph”.
HDP Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ has sent a letter to metal workers whose strike has brought an attainment, saying: “Those who unite, act in solidarity, struggle and resist do triumph”.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ who is jailed in Kandıra F Type Prison has sent a letter to Birleşik Metal-İş Union to be conveyed to the metal workers whose strike in 4 cities have ended after an agreement on the two-year collective labor contract for 2,200 members of the union.
Yüksekdağ stated the following in the letter she has sent to the metal workers seeking their rights:
"Dear working brothers and sisters,
Those who resort to ban the fair demands of workers for ridiculous reasons like 'threatening national security' only care about the safety of their bosses and positions rather than the safety of the nation during their ruling.
I salute the resistance and gains of you dignified metal workers who reclaimed their right to strike, adopted a stance and manifested your will against the anti-labour and anti-democratic prohibition policy of the government.
The victory of the workers that say 'No' to exploitation and bans has shown us that those who unite, act in solidarity, struggle and resist do triumph. I hope this gain will be a powerful beginning for all of us in order to have a hope once again.”