Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) issued an urgent call to international organisations for Xerabê Bava village in Mardin's Nusaybin district, where state forces continue their siege and attacks.
In the urgent call to international organisations, HDP Central Executive Committee drew attention to the claims on what has been taking place in Xerabê Bava, remarking that the prevention of a party delegation from accessing the village proves these claims to be true.
In its message to the European Parliament Presidency, EP Group Chairs, General Secretariat of the Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), PACE Group Chairs, EU High Representatives, Council of Europe Human Rights Commission, Latin American Solidarity Network, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Inter Parliamentary Union and embassies, HDP called for sensitivity regarding Xerabê Bava, from where no news has been received for the past 10 days amid reports of executions, torture, disappearances and mass detention due to the ongoing presence of Turkish state forces.