A written statement by Şaziye Köse, Deputy Co-Chair of the Labor Commission of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), said that “On 28 October 2014, 18 workers were stranded and lost their lives due to the flood in the coal enterprise of Has Şeker Madencilik, which works with a royalty system, near the village of Pamuklu in Ermenek, Karaman. Six months later, a second major work-related fatal accident took place in Ermenek. We respectfully commemorate all the workers and mine workers we lost because of work murders, especially in Soma and Ermenek.”
The statement pointed out: "The AKP government has turned Turkey into a country where workers are forced to work under 19th century slavery conditions, workers' rights are denied even during the coronavirus pandemic, unruly attacks on workers have increased and bag laws are introduced in favor of the capital. It is not a coincidence that the murders at work that occurred throughout Turkey in recent years especially in the metal sector costing the lives of many workers have increased. What happened in Ermenek, Soma, and many other construction and factories show that the capital owners, who refuse to fulfill their legal obligations, did not take the necessary steps regarding basic worker health and job security.
The government, which has been trying to prevent the struggle of Soma and Ermenek miners demanding their unpaid salaries and compensation through police forces, is a partner in the accidents at work and has proven to be an enemy of workers.
Köse emphasized "We are not helpless against these attacks" and said, "Everywhere, on every ground, with the different sounds and colors, there are thousand forms of resistance that we will carry out. What we need to do is to unite these forms of resistance that feed and strengthen us. We can win by combining the struggle for labor and democracy, we can stop work murders. We invite all labor organizations, all workers to grow and unite their struggle for rights".