HDP members subjected to violence in custody go on hunger strike
Hundreds of HDP members detained on August 19 have been subjected to mistreatment and violence in custody. The detainees are going on a hunger strike in Amed.
Hundreds of HDP members detained on August 19 have been subjected to mistreatment and violence in custody. The detainees are going on a hunger strike in Amed.
Close to 500 people were detained in raids in several cities including Amed simultaneously to the AKP-MHP regime taking over HDP’s municipalities.
Many in Amed are held in the political crimes division in the Diyarbakir Police Headquarters.
Some 40 detainees were released the other day, but there are still over 100 people in custody in Amed. The detainees are being held under mistreatment.
The police have been patrolling the holding cells and insulting the detainees. The HDP members in custody are denied their basic needs, and are subjected to violence as they are returned from their lawyer visits.
Detainees who need medical attention are not taken to hospitals and their medicine is not given. The police told some detainees, “Your party should come and save you if they can”. Only detainees with extremely severe conditions were taken to a hospital, and they were reportedly battered on the way.
Detainees are also not given the clothes their families bring to them. Women in custody announced that they are going on a hunger strike against the practices, and men have joined them.