High prison sentence sought for deposed co-mayor of Sur

The trial against the deposed co-mayor of Sur, Filiz Buluttekin, continued in Amed. The public prosecutor's office is demanding a prison sentence of up to 15 years for the Kurdish politician.

The trial against the former co-mayor of Amed’s central Sur district, Filiz Buluttekin of the HDP, continued on Monday in the Kurdish metropolis of Amed (Diyarbakir). The prosecution accuses the politician of "membership in a terrorist organization" and demands a prison term of between seven and a half and fifteen years. Buluttekin was deposed in September 2019 on the order of the Turkish Ministry of the Interior and imprisoned three months later. Last June she was released from remand.

On the fourth day of the trial at Diyarbakır 11th Heavy Penal Court, Buluttekin's lawyer argued that the charges against his client were based on the testimony of an "anonymous witness", whom no one except the public prosecutor's office had ever seen. The lawyer doubted the physical existence of the prosecution witness and demanded acquittal for Buluttekin. The court adjourned until 22 February 2021.

The indictment of the Diyarbakir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office deals mainly with Buluttekin's political activities. The politician is accused among other things of her participation in a commemoration event for Vedat Aydın.