Another indictment has been filed against the imprisoned HDP deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu. The Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ankara announced on Wednesday that it intends to charge the 55-year-old human rights advocate for his justice vigil in the Turkish parliament over “irregularity in holding public office” and “violation of office immunity”.
Gergerlioğlu was stripped of his parliamentary mandate on March 17. The deputy for HDP, who is a doctor by profession and has been active in human rights for many years, then refused to leave the National Assembly. Instead, he held out in parliament with a "justice vigil." Four days later, a squad of hundreds of Turkish police entered the HDP's parliamentary group room and arrested Gergerlioğlu. The MP was in the bathroom at the time, preparing for his morning prayers. Dressed in pajamas and with house slippers on his feet, the politician was taken away and released later in the day. Since April 2, he has been in prison because of a final judgment.
For a new trial against Gergerlioğlu, however, the indictment still has to be formally accepted by a court. If the politician is convicted of the alleged crimes, he faces a minimum of nine months and a maximum of four years in prison.