Inmates on indefinite-irreversible hunger strike in Tekirdağ Prison
Inmates on indefinite-irreversible hunger strike in Tekirdağ Prison
Inmates on indefinite-irreversible hunger strike in Tekirdağ Prison
Twenty-one inmates in Tekirdağ F Type Prison No 2 have been on indefinite-irreversible hunger strike since 25 March to protest against the impositions of the prison administration. Nineteen of the striking inmates are tried in PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) case and two others in Revolutionary Headquarters Organization case.
According to the information provided by the family of a prisoner on strike, Ferdi Çelik, the prison administration is forcing the strikers to end their protest and denying them to receive salt, sugar and vitamin b1, DIHA (Dicle News Agency) reported.
According to Çelik's family, Çelik told them during his weekly phone conversation that they are also denied to get Özgür Gündem and Kurdish Azadiya Welat dailies which have written regular reports on the ongoing hunger strike of 21 inmates. Çelik also said that the prison administration has often been changing the wards of the prisoners on strike, also subjecting them to psychological pressure by forcing them to end the strike.
According to Çelik, the prisoners on hunger strike are provided with water for cleaning only one day a week and not allowed to see doctors for health control.