The committee of Women Defend Rojava in Berlin calls for participation in the internationalist "Rise Up 4 The Revolution" demonstration on July 19 at 4 pm at Berlin's Hermannplatz. The demonstration will take place on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution and express solidarity with all revolutionary movements worldwide.
The local group of the campaign "Women Defend Rojava" mobilizes under the slogan "Fire in the heart - Our whole life is a struggle" in the FLINT (Women, Lesbians, Inter, Non-Binary, Trans) block and points in an appeal to the connection between fascist mentality and feminicide:
The patriarchal capitalist system is crumbling
The world is in turmoil and the patriarchal capitalist system is crumbling. We feel and we see it. The worldwide movement of fighting women has become stronger and bigger in the last years and is igniting a huge fire against oppression. From Las Tesis to PussyRiot, from struggling black women in the USA to the Naxalite women in India, from the Zapatistas to the Kurdish women's movement. We are everywhere, we are internationalist, we run in front and we take back our freedom, our lives as women.
In the year 2020, events have so far come thick and fast. But the global insurgency, which had taken to the streets and squares in the months before, has been dampened by the pandemic. The rulers everywhere are using this to take brutal action against the struggling peoples. In Chile, more people die of hunger than of Coronavirus and the army kills in the streets. In Kurdistan, Erdogan has recently launched a new major offensive and is receiving support from the Iranian regime, which is also mercilessly oppressing its people, who have rebelled against the dictatorship in a huge resistance movement. In Mexico, the state is planning to destroy the autonomous territories of the indigenous peoples in the south with large-scale commercial projects.
Women are the target of the patriarchal mentality
Everywhere it is women who are first attacked and murdered by the patriarchal system. Feminicides are on the rise worldwide, violence against women has increased dramatically during the pandemic. For example, 3 activists of the Kurdish women's movement, Amine Weysî, Hebûn Mele Xelîl and Zehra Berkel, were deliberately killed by a Turkish attack drone on 26 June near Kobanê. Toyin, 19-year-old Blacklivesmatter activist, disappeared on June 6 and was found dead a week later. Activist Zeyneb Jalalian was deliberately infected with Coronavirus by the state in Iran. In Mexico, a woman is murdered by a man every 3 hours on average. In Berlin, Maria was shot in her apartment by German cops. And the list goes on and on, because every week thousands of us are murdered and we are attacked 24 hours a day by the patriarchal system.
In the heart of the beast
In Berlin we are in the heart of the beast of capitalism. Even if the system here pretends to be feminist and free, we must understand that the reality is different. We have to understand how the system is constantly attacking us. The right-wing assassination in Hanau, the arson attacks in Neukölln, the racist police violence, the feminicides and all the so called daily "individual cases" show that patriarchal and fascist violence is constantly increasing. Fascism is patriarchal and patriarchy is fascist.
But we do not forget that our history is a history of resistance and our struggle means life. Even if the patriarchy tries to destroy us and our resistant history - we will not let this happen and we will organize ourselves as fighting women! We are ready to defend ourselves, because every murder of one of us only makes our determination grow! We must recognize the signs of the times, strengthen our organization and build up self-defense structures everywhere.
We say no more!
In memory of those murdered, in solidarity with those threatened, we make a promise to continue to fight for a liberated society. We say no more! Come to the internationalist "Rise up 4 the revolution" demonstration on Sunday, July 19, the birthday of the Rojava Revolution, at 4 pm on Hermannplatz. To all Flint: Come to the feminist front block with your flags, banners and songs! Let us carry our fire with full conviction to the outside! Women who fight are women who live! Jin, Jiyan, Azadî!”