Since the beginning of the week, the Kurdish youth movement has been demonstrating in front of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and demands that the isolation on him be lifted. In the weeks before, the sit-in was held by the women's movement TJK-E and the European umbrella organization KCDK-E. The Revolutionary Youth Movement (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger, TCŞ) and the Movement of Young Combatant Women (Tevgera Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer, TEKO-JIN) lead the action under the slogan "Stop Isolation, Fascism and Occupation - Together for Uprising". Since today also internationalists from Spain, Switzerland, Germany and France participate in the sit-in.
On the third day of the week, a declaration was made before the Council of Europe on the importance of Abdullah Öcalan. TCŞ activist Kemal Şoreşger said: "We are holding an action for Abdullah Öcalan here and now. Europe is responsible for the conspiracy and the isolation, that is why we are here. We will be active until Öcalan is released. We will not accept a life without Apo."
Afterwards, internationalist Lucia Garcia, who came from Spain, spoke and appealed to all women and all those who believe in the revolution; “The struggle for the freedom of Öcalan is not only important for the Kurdish people, but for all peoples. There have often been times of hopelessness, but the struggle must not be given up. We must not be afraid either, we cannot have this luxury. The revolution and struggle are the only possible way and we are ready to take this responsibility.”
The co-chair of the Kurdish umbrella organization KCDK-E, Fatoş Göksungur, announced in a speech the continuation of the "Time for Freedom" campaign in Europe and cited Öcalan’s quotation "We started young and will finish young".
Simon Dubbins, Director of the Department of International Affairs and Research of the British trade union Unite the Union and spokesperson of the Freedom for Öcalan campaign, expressed his solidarity with the activists in Strasbourg in a video message and explained the trade union’s support for Öcalan.
The former Icelandic Minister of the Interior Ögmundur Jónasson, also a member of the global initiative "The time is ripe: Freedom for Öcalan", said in a video message that he had been working for many years for the release of Öcalan since he had read his books and had been in Kurdistan several times.
For Friday a march from Kléber-Platz to the Council of Europe is planned as conclusion at 13 o'clock.