Southern Kurdistan government continues to lose territory in the maneuver launched by the Iraqi Central Government on disputed territories and Southern Kurdistan in general following the independence referendum held on September 25.
Control of several provinces, districts, oil-rich regions and border gates have been taken from the Southern Kurdistan administration by Iraq and now the airports are in the process of being taken over.
Iraqi Interior Minister Kasim Muhammed el- Araji said: “Our meetings with the Kurdistan Region committee were positive. We have reached an agreement that Iraqi forces will be dispersed to all border gates.”
“We will now start the process of the handover of airports. And with that, the Iraqi Constitution will be implemented,” said el-Araji and continued:
“Currently we do not have any issues with the Kurdistan Regional Government other than the control of federal administration borders, airports and oil refineries. Article 112 of the Iraqi Constitution states that the oil belongs to the people of Iraq. We are prepared to start a new dialogue within the framework of the Iraqi Constitution.
We do not wish to punish the people of Kurdistan. We have to act in accordance with the constitution. If some people have an issue with the articles in the constitution, we understand that, and if necessary we will review the constitution. The issues between Baghdad and Hewler will be resolved soon.”
A second meeting regarding the handover of disputed territories and the border gates to Iraq had been held between the Southern Kurdistan government and the Iraqi government with committees from both sides.
After the border gates and airports are handed over, the Iraqi Central Government has the Der Bendixan and Dukkan dams on the list of places they want handed over. Southern Kurdistan administration’s stance is not clear yet on the issue.