ISIG says that 112 workers died in their workplace
ISIG (Occupational Health and Safety Assembly) announced that 112 workers died in their workplace in January.
ISIG (Occupational Health and Safety Assembly) announced that 112 workers died in their workplace in January.
The anti-labor practices of the AKP-MHP government continue to provoke deaths and accidents in the workplace.
The Occupational Health and Safety Assembly (ISIG) published the report on deaths and accidents in the workplace for the month of January.
At least 112 workers lost their lives in the first month of the year. According to the report there werre no deaths for diseases related to the workplace, however the International Labor Organization (ILO) and World Health Organization (WHO) say that approximately "6 deaths are the result of diseases related to the workplace", while "one death is the result of an accident at work".
According to the report, 94 of 112 workers were receiving regular salaries (workers and civil servants) while 18 were self-employed (farmers and tradesmen).
12 of the dead are female workers and 100 are male. Women workers died in the sectors of agriculture, textile, trade, office, health, hotel industry. ISIG stated that 3 children under 14, died while working and added that these deaths happened in the agricultural and food sectors.
The report underlined that 28 of the dead workers were aged 51 and above, and died in the farming, trade, fishing, food, bureaus, construction, transportation, accommodation, municipality and general affairs sectors.
The report also underlined that 7 refugee workers died in January, 3 of them Syrian, 2 Afghan, 1 Georgian and 1 from Turkmenistan.
In addition, the report underlined that only two of the dead workers were unionized.
The sectors at risk are agriculture, construction, transportation, trade / bureau, municipal / general affairs, chemistry, food, metal, mining, textile and the hotel industry.