ISIS mercenaries escalate their attacks in Iraq
ISIS mercenaries launched two different attacks in Iraq during the night, killing 5 people, including 4 police officers and 1 Hashd al-Shaabi member.
ISIS mercenaries launched two different attacks in Iraq during the night, killing 5 people, including 4 police officers and 1 Hashd al-Shaabi member.
The ISIS mercenaries, who had been defeated and had lost territorial sovereignty, were re-activated by the Turkish state with the invasion of Rojava.
ISIS attacks in Syria and Iraq have increased recently. Attacks escalated, particularly in areas that were described as “controversial", i.e. the areas such as Kirkuk, which are contended between the Iraqi central government and the Federal Kurdistan Region. The attacks have become more frequent since mid-October.
Numerous attacks took place in Mosul, Tal Afar, Anbar, Kirkuk, Diyala, Xaneqin, and Germiyan during November and December.
ISIS mercenaries attacked Bayji district of Saladin and Sadiya district of Diyala on Saturday night.
Local sources say that a police point was targeted in the attack. Firstly, a suicide bomber was moving to a container housing the police but was noticed on the way, forcing him to detonate the bomb before reaching the target. The explosion was followed by clashes, during which 4 Iraqi Federal police officers were killed and many others injured. Likewise, a large number of ISIS mercenaries were killed in the fighting.
In parallel with this attack, ISIS mercenaries attacked a point of the Hashd al-Shaabi militia in Diyala.
As the result of the attack a member of the militia was killed and three others were injured.
Last week, the Iraqi army launched operations against ISIS mercenaries, which had carried out attacks in Dibiz district of Kirkuk and Kifri district of Germiyan.
The operations were expanded to include some parts of Mosul as well. In the operation in west of Mosul, an ISIS cell house was destroyed. Many ISIS members, one of whom was a woman, were reported to have been arrested in the cell house.