Istanbul Prosecutor opens investigation against Bar Association
An investigation was opened against the the executives of the Istanbul Bar Association, for the huge photo of lawyer Ebru Timtik, who died on death fast, hung on the building.
An investigation was opened against the the executives of the Istanbul Bar Association, for the huge photo of lawyer Ebru Timtik, who died on death fast, hung on the building.
The Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation against the President of the Bar Association and the members of the Board of Directors, for the hanging, outside the Istanbul Bar Association building, of the photograph of lawyer Ebru Timtik, who died on the 238th day of her death fast demanding a fair trial.
The Chief Public Prosecutor's Office requested the names of the bar association executives. The Prosecutor's Office then summoned 11 bar association executives, including Istanbul Bar Association President Mehmet Durakoğlu.