Italian academics call on Papa ahead of Erdogan’s visit
A group of Italian academics released an urgent call to Pope Francis for Afrin ahead of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the Vatican.
A group of Italian academics released an urgent call to Pope Francis for Afrin ahead of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the Vatican.
The academics shared their worries over the situation in Afrin with the Pope and called upon him to raise the issue during the meeting with Erdogan.
According to press reports, Pope Francis invited Erdogan to discuss the crisis on Jerusalem that developed after the decision by the US president to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to the city.
“Today, after the defeat of Daesh in Iraq and Syria by the Kurdish forces, Turkey has embarked on a new war - with the attack started on January 19, 2018 - precisely against those Kurds who have defeated Daesh.
The recent Turkish invasion in northern Syria can only mean the beginning of a new bloody conflict that will surely drag the region into a new catastrophe, which will inevitably kill children, bring hunger and will again force the local population to flee” the academics said.
“In the Kurdish region of Afrin and the recently liberated territories from Daesh in Syria, there are not only the Kurds but also Christians, Arabs, Turkmen, Yazidis and other ethnic groups who are trying to live together peacefully in that area. Turkey's aggression against those peoples in Afrin is a blatant violation of international law, but it is also the sabotage of that peaceful experience of coexistence and peace” the statement read.
The academics called Pope Francis to raise the issue during his meeting with Erdogan.
The signatories of the statement are:
Adele Tulli, Director
Alberto Girlando, Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Parma
Alessandro Metz, Cooperator and Social Worker - National Vice President Lega Coop Social Alessandro Torcini, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Université de Cergy-Pontoise France
Alice Franchina, University of the Studies of Palermo (PhD student)
Alisa Del Re, Senior scholar University of Padua
Andrea De Carlo, Professor of the University of Naples "L'Orientale"
Andrea Scella, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Udine
Angelo Bavaro, Circle of the bagpipe di Scapoli (IS)
Anna Romani, PhD University of Pisa and Florence
Annamaria Deagostino, Professor of the University of Turin
Antonietta Caccia, President of the Scapoli (IS) club,
Antonio Ruggieri, Journalist, Director of the magazine, the Common Good
Arturo Scotto, Deputy of MdP Libero and Uguali
Carlo Balestri, Vice President of the Italian Union of Sport for All, Emilia Romagna
Carlo Freccero - Member of the Board of the RAI
Detjon Begaj, Councilor Coalition Civic, District Santo Stefano (Bologna)
Devi Sacchetto, Professor University of Padua
Eleonora Forenza, European Parliamentarian, Gue / Ngl
Emily Clancy, Councilor Coalizione Civica, Municipality of Bologna
Ennio Carbone, Full Professor in Pathology, University of Catanzaro
Erasmo Palazzotto, Member of the Italian Parliament - Italian Left / Liberi and Equuali - Vice President of Foreign Affairs Commission
Fabrizio Saccomanno, Theater Man, Lecce
Fausto Tomei, Councilor for Civic Coalition, District of Porto Saragozza (Bologna)
Francesca Koch, President of the International Women's Home Rome
Frida Valsecchi, Dr. Radiologa
Federico Montanari, University Professor Modena-Reggio Emilia
Federica Giardini, Roma Tre University
Federico Martelloni, Councilor Coalizione Civica, City of Bologna
Francesco Biagi, Research Fellow at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples
Francesco Miazzi , Spokesperson Committee Let Us Breathe - Monselice / Padua
Francesco Sticchi, Oxford Brookes University researcher
Franco Novelli, teacher
Fulvio Vassallo Palaeologus, President of the Rights and Borders Association (ADIF)
Gabriella Antonelli, Molise Cultural Heritage Society
Giancarlo Ambrogio Vitali, Co-President Civic Coalition Assembly Bologna
Giancarlo Ranalli, Professor of University of Molise
Gianfranco Bettin, Sociologist and writer - President of the Municipality of Marghera - Venice
Giovanni Paglia, Member of the Italian Parliament - Italian Left / Free and Equal
Gianluigi Gherzi, man of the theater
Gino de Paolis, Regional Councilor Lazio
Giorgio Barbarini, Head of Unit Simple Policlinico San Matteo University of Pavia
Giovanni Marco De Pieri, Co-President of the Civic Coalition Bologna
Giso Amendola, Professor of the University of Salerno
Giulio Garuti, former Professor of the University of Bologna
Giorgio Gallo, University of Pisa
Giuseppe Mosconi, Professor of the University of Padua
Giuseppe Tadolini, Doctor
Giustina Selvelli, Post-doc Researcher (Erasmus Mundus)
Irene Soldati, Co-President Assembly Civic Coalition Bologna
Isabella Astorri, President of the Society for Cultural Heritage of Molise
Laura Corradi, Researcher Gender Studies and Intersectional Methodology University of Calabria
Leonardo De Franceschi, PhD, Assistant Professor Roma Tre University
Leonardo Tancredi, Editorial Director Piazza Grande, newspaper of homeless people (Bologna)
Lia Migale, Writer and economist
Livio Sera, Collettivo Alter.POLIS - Polytechnic of Turin
Luca Bernardini, Associate Professor, University of Milan
Marco Trotta, Councilor Coalizione Civica, San Donato district (Bologna)
Marina D'Altri, Co-President Civic Coalition Bologna
Marco Brazzoduro, Former Professor Sapienza, Rome; president association Cittadinanza e minoranze
Luca Casarini, Regional Secretary of the Italian Left - Sicily
Marco Cossutta, University of Trieste
Marcella Delle Donne university teacher Sapienza
Maria Caterina Federici, Full Professor of General Sociology Faculty of Education, University of Perugia
Marina Marini, Associate Professor of Applied Biology Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine - University of Bologna,
Marina Vitale, Anglista, Retired Professor former University of Naples "L'Orientale"
Marta Bonafoni, Regional Councilor Lazio
Martina Caironi, Paralympic Champion
Massimiliano Rinaldi, University Researcher
Massimo De Vita, Man of Theater, Human Rights activist
Maurizio Acerbo, National Secretary of the PRA
Mauro Parodi, Full Professor - Politecnico School of the University of Genoa
Moni Ovadia, Man of the theater and human rights activist
Nicola De Luigi, Professor of the University of Bologna
Nicola Fratoianni, National Secretary of the Italian Left - Member of Parliament - Free and Equal
Paolo Barrucci, Professor of Sociology, University of Florence
Paola D'Alconzo Associate Professor of Museology and Restoration University of Naples Federico II
Prof. Hans Spinnler, former professor of Neurology of the University of Milan
Renzo Ulivieri, National President of the Italian Association of Coaches
Roberto Michele Suozzi, Doctor and Clinical Pharmacologist and specialist in Sports Medicine
Sandro Chignola, Professor of the University of Padua
Sandro Mezzadra, Professor of the University of Bologna - Professor New School of Social Research, NewYork
Simona Taliani, Researcher at the University of Turin
Stefano Galieni, Journalist
Stefano Visentin, Professor of the University of Urbino
Simona Taliani, PhD Anthropologist Assistant Professor Dep. of Cultures, Politics and Society, Turin
Valentina Pazé, Professor, University of Turin
Vittorio Agnoletto, Professor at the University of Milan
Vittorio Dini, University Professor