KCK called on Kurds and German government
The KCK urged Kurds to avoid extremist actions and called on the German government to respect the right to demonstrate.
The KCK urged Kurds to avoid extremist actions and called on the German government to respect the right to demonstrate.
KCK Executive Council co-presidency called on Kurds living in Germany and urged them to carry out their actions within the framework of the law, avoiding excessive actions and called on the German government to cancel Erdogan.
Noting how the Kurds were forced to migrate to Europe, KCK underlined how especially in Germany some inadequate actions have been carried out .
The KCK urged Kurds to avoid extremist actions and called on the German government to respect the right to demonstrate.
"The AKP should not have any influence on German law, using the actions by Kurds to protest democratically against the isolation imposed by the Turkish state on Kurdish people’s leader”, said the KCK.
The KCK, assessing the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Germany as "an approach that will damage and hurt all German people", said that the German government while assisting the AKP regime is "openly encouraging the attacks on democratic forces and the Kurdish people”.
The KCK called on the German government saying: "We are calling on the legitimate government of the German people to cancel the visit by the head of the AKP fascism and enemy of democracy”.