KCK: Taksim resistance a message for a new Turkey

KCK: Taksim resistance a message for a new Turkey

In a written statement on the growing public resistance across the country, Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Presidency said the resistance has given a message for the structuring of a new democratic Turkey. KCK called on the Kurdish people to take initiative in the resistance and to take responsibility for the healthy progress of the process together with the democracy powers in Turkey.

KCK said the current situation in Turkey was a process revealing significant results on the way Turkey is making to democracy and warned about “opportunist” approaches. KCK called on workers' and democratic circles to strengthen the “Democratic Solution Process” against those attempting to sabotage the peace process.

KCK pointed out that the use of excessive force by police against the growing democratic public reflection was the manifestation of the anti-democratic nation-state mentality. KCK also underlined that the excessive police brutality conflicted with the spirit of the democratic process in search of a solution to the Kurdish question. KCK said the democratic solution process was aimed at the democratization of not only the Kurdish region but also the entire Turkish territory, noting that democratization could only be achieved by freeing the society from violence and military. KCK stated that it was the government-backed police violence against the people's will that has aggravated the problems to the current point.

KCK underlined that it was very important for the present and future of the Turkish state to pay regard to the demands of the public resistance at Gezi Park and to meet the demands protestors have highlighted.

“To strengthen the Democratic Solution Process, democratic and workers' circles must be careful against the nationalist and racist powers that aim to sabotage this process and abuse the reflection of the people”, KCK warned and underlined the followings as to the involvement of the Kurdish people in the resistance;

“The unification of the Kurdish Liberation Movement with the democratic reflection against unfair and anti-democratic practices and fascist repression in Turkey will enable the democratic transformation and lead up the way to significant results. The aim of this unification must be to manifest the democratic will of the people and to impose necessary conditions for a democratic Turkey. In this respect, the duty of the transformative and significant democratic will in Turkey and the Liberation Struggle of Kurdistan is to unite and to fight shoulder to shoulder with an aim to ensure a solution to the Kurdish question and to relieve Turkey of all kinds of repression and violence”.

Referring to the ongoing process of withdrawal of Kurdish guerrillas across Turkish borders, KCK said some activities of the Turkish military may lead to problems in this process, reminding of short-lasting clashes between Turkish soldiers and withdrawing Kurdish guerrillas in Uludere and Bingöl.

KCK said the Turkish army displayed a provocative attitude against the process by making changes in its military positions and leading to clashes with the guerrillas on their way to Kandil.

KCK remarked that the AKP government displayed an unacceptable stance by using excessive violence against the people and leading to a kind of war environment contrary to what it needs to do in the ongoing process aimed at peace and democratic solution.