KON-MED call to join actions in Germany today

"If the importance of a common struggle is not understood today, an effective struggle against AKP-MHP fascism cannot be developed. If this struggle is not carried out, fascism will increase its ideological dominance, said KON-MED.

The Confederation of Kurdistan Communities (KON-MED) in Germany issued a written statement to mark the anniversary of the 12 September [1980] military coup and announced the calendar of actions.

The KON-MED statement emphasized that "Kurds and all anti-fascist peoples should fight jointly against fascism. The fascist military coup of September 12 went down in history as a coup committed by fascist generals, monopoly bourgeoisie and groups that wanted the genocide of Kurds.”

The statement referred to the importance of common struggle for freedom and democracy of Kurds and workers. "If the importance of a common struggle is not understood today, an effective struggle against AKP-MHP fascism cannot be developed. If this struggle is not carried out, fascism will increase its ideological dominance.”

The statement added: "It is now the right time to be the voice of the ongoing resistance in our country here in Europe and to get the support of the European peoples."

The statement called on everyone to join the demonstrations and actions to be organised today throughout Germany demanding freedom for Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan, and condemning the war against Rojava peoples."

The actions are as follows:


Date: 12.09.2020

Hour: 14:00

Location: Opposite Bahnhof


Date: 12.09.2020

Time: 16:00

Location: Lautenschlagerstr. Stuttgart


Date: 12.09.2020

Hour: 14:00

Location: Theresienwiese Heilbronn


Date: 12.09.2020

Time: 16:00

Location: Potsdamer Platz Berlin


Date: 12.09.2020

Hour: 15:00

Location: Hauptwache Frankfurt


Date: 12.09.2020

Hour: 15:00

Location: Frieden Platz Darmstadt


Date: 12.09.2020

Hour: 15:00

Location: Euro Galerie Saarbrücken


Date: 12.09.2020

Time: 10:30

Location: Schloßarcaden Braunschweig.