KONGRA-GEL sends Labor Day message
Let’s turn this election into a heavy blow to AKP-MHP fascism, says KONGRA-GEL
Let’s turn this election into a heavy blow to AKP-MHP fascism, says KONGRA-GEL
KONGRA-GEL Co-Presidency Council has issued a written statement about May Day, the day of Workers Unity, Solidarity and Struggle.
The statement saluted May Day and remembered the “Martyrs of the 1 May”.
"Northern Kurdistan and Turkey’s workers, laborers and all our people will meet on May 1, Labor Day, while the AKP, the MHP and the Ergenekon fascist alliance have taken the decision to call for an early election. This decision - said the statement - was motivated by fear as they saw their government was going to collapse”.
Women’s Day, Newroz, Labor Day to step up resistance
The statement continued: “On Labor Day, all the squares must be turned into areas where workers, the oppressed and the victims of the Erdogan-Bahçeli fascism will get together and form a big alliance against fascism. Labour Day should be the instrument of democracy and freedom struggle against fascism, like 8 March was, like Newroz was. Social resistance must reach its peak on Labor Day”.
KONGRA-GEL underlined that “Erdogan-Bahceli fascism has worked to destroy first and foremost the people of Kurdistan, but also workers, women, Alevis, democrats, intellectuals. They have massacred in Kurdistan and also in Turkey. Both, Kurdistan and Turkey, have been turned into huge prisons for our people exactly like the 12 September 1980 military fascist coup had done in Amed”.
Economy of war
“Fascism has transferred all the economic resources of the state and society to war - said the statement - and used it to maintain its power. As a result of the great crisis caused by the high expenditure required by this struggle to suppress all opponents to fascism, especially the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle, the economy has now sent an alarm, warning it is on the verge of collapsing.
The AKP and the MHP would like the people to pay the bill for the heavy economic crisis they have caused. They are trying to make people paying by implementing unemployment, poverty and oppression policies. And they want people to pay even more after the elections. Heavy taxes are on the door. They are trying to extend the life of the fascist government by calling an early dominant election because they are afraid of the severe consequences of this economic crisis in the near future”.
The statement continued: “On the contrary, this choice [calling an early election] may actually turn to be a boomerang, and fascism may be destroyed. Which is why all the circles opposed to fascism should work hard to set up an anti-fascist front and step up the fight to put an end to this fascist AKP and the MHP government.
Especially for our people it is very important to understand and evaluate correctly the opportunities provided for by this election. It is true: this election won’t destroy State fascism. However, demolishing the AKP-MHP government will be a great blow to State fascism. Moreover, whatever the outcome, this election provide a great opportunity to step up an organized fight against fascism.
Elections are an opportunity to deal a big blow to fascism
This election represents a great opportunity for propaganda and organization in Kurdistan and metropolises. It is an opportunity to call the state to account for the atrocities against the Kurdish people, especially their Leadership.
In particular, the election provide an opportunity to respond to the Turkish occupation and demographic change of Afrin. A chance to give an answer to ethnic cleansing and massacres. For all these reasons, our people should work for this election keeping their morale high, mobilising and commit themselves to do everything they can in order to get the strongest result.
People abroad have an important role to play
Kurdish and Turkish people living abroad should be aware that their votes will play a very important role in these elections. For this reason, all sensitive, democratic, progressive people who are opposed to AKP-MHP fascism should work hard during this election campaign.
We will put an end to the fascist rule of the AKP-MHP that thought to retain their power by forcing this early election.
Fascism will lose, and we will win, because our people’s will is a will of victory”.