Dozens of parties and institutions, including PUK [Patriotic Union of Kurdistan], Gorran [Change Movement], PJAK [Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan], KODAR [(Democratic and Free Society of East Kurdistan], KCDK-E [European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress] and TJK-E [Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe] issued a joint statement to announce that they will participate in all actions within the scope of the initiative launched by the KCK on 12 September.
The written statement said: "The AKP-MHP government is attacking our people and our Kurdistan lands with all state technologies and institutions. With these attacks, it aims to destroy all the values, historical and current achievements of the peoples of Kurdistan.
It seems that it wants to achieve and complete its goals, which it could not achieve in the 20th century, during the first world war, in the 21st century, during the third world war.
In the 20th century, Turkey used all kinds of dirty and inhumane methods to achieve destruction and genocide against the Kurdish, Armenian, Assyrian-Syriac, Greek peoples as well as the Alevi, Yazidi, Christian and anti-system Muslim beliefs.”
The statement added: “Of course, against these genocidal politics and attacks carried out by the AKP-MHP state, there is the great and heroic resistance of our people and the People's Movement, and especially the resistance that Mr. Öcalan continues to carry out with his strongest will in Imrali. President Erdogan is getting even more furious and aggressive because he has been hit hard and weak.”
The statement recalled that in order to end these attacks, to abolish the isolation in Imrali, to achieve freedom, peace and democracy, the KCK launched a new historical move to increase the struggle. “We, as the Kurdish parties and institutions in Europe, find the breakthrough and call made by the KCK right, and we will participate in all actions with the slogan: "End Isolation and Fascism and Occupation. Time to Ensure Freedom".
The following parties signed the statement:
PUK (Yektiya Niştimanî Kurdistan)
Tevgêra GORRAN
KCDK-E (Kongra Civaka Kurdistaniyan-Ewrupa)
TJK-E (Tevgera Jinên Kurdistanê-Ewrupa)
Partiya ŞÛÎ Heads Kurdistan
Partiya Zahmetkêşan – Başûr
PADÊ (Partiya Azadî û Demokrasiyê ya Êzîdiyan)
Tevgera Azadi
PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Democrat)
P.D.K.S (Partiya demoqrat a kurd li Sûriyê)
Partiya Çep a Kurd li Sûriyê.
Tevgera Nûjen ya Kurdistanî-Sûriyê.
PÇDKS (Partiya çep a demoqrat a Kurd li Sûriyê.)
Partiya Demokrata Kurd li Sûriyê (El Partiî).
Partiya Çep a Democrat li Sûriyê.
Partiya Rêkeftin a Kurd li Sûriyê.
Partiya Çaksaziya Kurd li Sûriyê.
Partiya Kesk a Kurdistanî li Sûriyê.
Partiya Demokrata Kurdistanî li Sûriyê.
Partiya Komanist a Kurdistanî li Sûriyê.
PÎK (Partiya islamiya Kurdistan)
KKP (Partiya Kominista Kurdistan)
Tevgera Kawa
PJAK (Partiya Jiyana Azada Kurdistan)
Yakyatî Şorşgêrî Kurdistan
KODAR (Civaka Demokratîk û Azada Rojhelatĕ Kurdistan)
KJAR (Civaka Jinên Rojhelat a Kurdistanê)
Horam Platform
Zagros Platform
Yarsan Platform
Yari Kurd
Tevçand (Tevgera Çand û Hunera Kurd)
Kurdische Gemeinde Stuttgart e.V
FEDA (Federessiona Elewîyên Kurdistan)
NAV - YEK (Komelên Êzidiyan to the Federation)
Kurdische Zentrum Berlin
CIK (Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan)
Institute Kurdî – Germany
Kurdish Institute – Brussels
MŞD (Meclisa Şingal a Derveyî Welat)
YMK (Yekîtîya Mamostayên Kurdistan)
YES (Yekitiya Êzdiyên Sûri)
Kurdisch Gemeinde Brandenburg – Berlin
Dachverband der Êzidischen Frauenräte
DKF (Deutsch-kurdisches Forum) e.V Dresden
Mesopotamia People's Congress
Mesopotamian Freedom Party.
Kurdistan Human Rights Association