The Vigil demanding Freedom for Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan was launched on 25 June 2012 in front of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. The vigil has been carried out for 416 weeks and this week has been taken over by representatives of Kurdish institutions in Europe.
European Kurdish Democratic Society Congress (KCDK-E) co-chair Fatoş Göksungur, PYD (Democratic Union Party) member Ahmed Abdolah, Ömer Koyuncuel on behalf of the Central Anatolian Kurds Platform (PKAN), Necmettin Erkendi on behalf of Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan (CİK), Ozan Berbang on Kurdish cultural association TEV-ÇAND, Tori Rojer on behalf of theKurdish Community Centre in Belgium (NAV-BEL) are part of this week’s group.
Completing the group are Kemal Samer, one of the executives of the Democratic Alevi Federation (FEDA), Demir Çelik, a member of the KCDK-E co-presidency, fromer Bostaniçi mayor Nezahat Ergüneş, and institution representatives from Germany and Switzerland.
A press release will also be made on June 25 to mark the beginning of the 9th year of action. Organisers expect a big crowd at the press conference.