Kurdish youth launch signature campaign to delist PKK in London
In London, at a celebration of the Kurdish youth movement, a campaign to remove the PKK from the "terror list" was launched. The campaign aims to collect four million signatures.
In London, at a celebration of the Kurdish youth movement, a campaign to remove the PKK from the "terror list" was launched. The campaign aims to collect four million signatures.
The Revolutionary Youth Movement (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger, TCŞ) and the Combative Young Women (Teko-JIN) in Britain launched the campaign for delisting of the PKK at a celebration in London. The well-attended event took place as part of the youth campaign "Come to the Liberation Struggle" (ku. Werin Cenga Azadiyê) at the Kurdish Community Centre on Saturday evening. The first signatures for the campaign to remove the PKK from the lists of terrorist organisations of the EU and the USA were collected there.
The campaign by the Justice for Kurds initiative was launched in December last year by dozens of internationally known personalities such as the Austrian Nobel laureate for literature Elfriede Jelinek, international law expert Norman Paech and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek and is now supported by more than a thousand intellectuals from many different countries. The aim is to decriminalise the Kurdish liberation movement.
The campaign is expected to last several months and aims to collect four million signatures. The signatures will be sent to the Council of Europe and to the relevant institutions responsible for the "terror list" in the USA. They will also serve as a reference for members of national parliaments and put the issue on the agenda of state parliaments.