Kurdish youth march for the freedom of Öcalan in Celle
After two days the march for freedom of Abdullah Öcalan of the Kurdish youth movement in Europe has arrived in Celle.
After two days the march for freedom of Abdullah Öcalan of the Kurdish youth movement in Europe has arrived in Celle.
The long march of the Kurdish youth movement takes place under the slogan: "For the freedom of Öcalan - Together to uprising". On the second day the young activists covered a distance of 15 kilometers. Despite attempts by the police to stop the demonstration, the activists could not be deterred. On the route, the activists were greeted by other internationalists. For example, images of PKK guerrilla fighter Agir Stêrk (Abdullah Osmanoğlu), who died in 2018, were shown from a house project. Stêrk had spent an important period of his life in Germany.
Dancing against police provocations
The police stopped the demonstration in Celle. Thereupon the young people began to dance Govênd. The police made it a condition that not more than five people dance together. When the police banned music, the activists sang and danced to their own songs. Finally the police gave up the blockade and the demonstration day ended in Celle. From Celle, the long march will continue via Unterlüß, Lüneburg, Winsen (Luhe) and Harburg and arrive in Hamburg on September 11th.
Long March as resistance practice
"Long marches" have become part of the traditional resistance repertoire, especially of the Kurdish youth movement. With the long marches, often in connection with the anniversary of the abduction of Abdullah Öcalan, the youth movement fights for his freedom and reclaims his philosophy and ideology. Abdullah Öcalan's radical democratic and women-liberating ideology provides activists with an important perspective for a life beyond capitalist modernity.