Kurds in Frankfurt, Kiel and Aachen condemn attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria

Kurds and their friends took to the streets in the German cities of Frankfurt, Kiel and Aachen and condemned the attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria.

Protests against the Turkish attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria have taken place in different German cities. 


Kurds living in and around Frankfurt, Mainz, Giessen, Hanau, Offenbach and Darmstadt protested the attacks carried out by the Turkish army in a march from Frankfurt train station to Hauptwache.


An action was promoted in Kiel by Defend Kurdistan and the Democratic Kurdish Community Center (DKTM) to protest the attacks carried out by the Turkish state against Northern and Eastern Syria.

Activists called for solidarity and condemned the silence about the Turkish state attacks.


Many Kurds gathered in Elisenbrunnen in Aachen to protest Turkey's attacks.