Kurds protest all over Europe against Turkish attacks
KCDK-E and TJK-E called for mass participation in the demonstrations organised in tens of cities against the occupation attacks of the Turkish state against Rojava, Shengal and Makhmur.
KCDK-E and TJK-E called for mass participation in the demonstrations organised in tens of cities against the occupation attacks of the Turkish state against Rojava, Shengal and Makhmur.
The Congress of Democratic Kurds in Europe (KCDK-E) and the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (TJK-E) called for action against the latest Turkish attacks.
Protests are taking place in dozens of cities in at least 10 European countries
KCDK-E and TJK-E said in a statement that Turkish airstrikes on Thursday evening targeted civilians in Makhmur and Shengal.
“Dictator Erdoğan - said the statement - wants to carry out a genocide in Kurdistan with the dirty war and these attacks, and he wants to give power to DAESH and other mercenaries who have faced great defeats, crashed by women’s struggle for freedom. Mercenaries who tried to destroy Kurdistan, the Middle East and humanity.”
This dirty war, said the statement, has been boldly carried out in front of the whole world’s eyes.
“In Imrali they are deepening the isolation regime imposed on Kurdish Leader Öcalan, in North Kurdistan they continue with their genocidal policies, in Turkey they repress all opposition under their fascist boot. All over Kurdistan genocidal policies are carried out while the torture system implemented in Imrali is actually spreading all over Turkey and Kurdistan."
The Kurdish organisations called on “all our people to mobilize, to take to the streets in Rojava, Shengal and all Kurdistan in the spirit of Kobanê, to expose and protest the invading Turkish state!”
The statement continued: “We urge the Kurdish people and friends to expose the occupier Turkish state to the world public.”
KCDK-E and TJK-E also called for mass participation in the demonstrations organised in tens of cities against the occupation attacks against Rojava, Shengal and Makhmur.
Actions and protests are to take place today, Saturday and Sunday all over Europe.
The calendar of protests is as follows:
14 December
England, London: Manor House station, 6 pm
Holland, Den Haag: Carnegieplein, 12 pm
15 December
Cologne: Cologne HBF, 5 pm
Saarbrucken: Landwehrplaatz, 3 pm
Frankfurt: Haupbanhof / Kaisersack, 2 pm
Stuttgart: Rotebühlplatz, 3 pm
Berlin: Platz der Republik (in front of the Parlament), 2 pm
Hamburg: in front of the Station (HBf), 2 pm
Darmstadt: Luisenplatz, 2 pm
Antwerpen: Sint-Jansplein, 2060 Antwerpen, 3 pm
Wien: Westbahnof, 1 pm
Sweden: Stockholm: Norabantorget, 3 pm
Athens: Academy Square, 12 pm
Sidney: 2 Romford Road King Park, 7 pm
16 December
Paris, Place République, 1 pm
Copenhagen: Kobenhavn centre / Radhuspls Square, 12 pm