Kurds ready to welcome Newroz in Switzerland

Kurdish people living in Switzerland are ready for the Newroz celebrations. The Swiss Democratic Kurdish Society Centre (CDK-S) and the Swiss Kurdish Women's Movement (YJK-S) called for participation in the main event to be held in Fribourg on March 20.

This weekend, Kurdish people living in Switzerland will start the Newroz celebrations, which will mark its 50th year. The main Newroz event will be held in Fribourg this year.

The CDK-S and the YJK-S released a joint statement to mark the 50th anniversary of Newroz celebrations.

“The Newroz Day, which has been celebrated as the coming of spring for thousands of years in Turkey, Kurdistan and the Middle East, stands for resistance and resurrection for the peoples of Kurdistan. The Newroz in 2022 will instil great hopes for the peoples.

This year’s Newroz will lead to the freedom of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and the furtherance of the struggle of thousands of political prisoners in Turkey’s prisons despite the serious isolation conditions there.

The invasion attempts of the Turkish state in the Medya Defense Zones, Şengal and Rojava have been frustrated by the remarkable resistance of the freedom guerrillas. The struggle for freedom continues against all sorts of inhuman practices.

The invading Turkish army which claimed to be the strongest army in the world has been defeated by freedom guerrilla’s will of steel. Not only the occupation forces but also their local allies have been defeated.

We reiterate our promise of revolution to Kawa the Blacksmith, who invented the Newroz of Resistance, contemporary Kawa, Mazlum Doğan, Zekiye Alkan in Amed, Rahşan Demirel from İzmir Kadifekale, Berivan, Ronahi and all our martyrs. We dedicate this year’s Newroz to all our martyrs.

We congratulate all our people and their friends on Newroz. We believe that the Newroz of 2022 will lead to peace, freedom and victory.

Newroz means resistance. We invite all our people living in Switzerland to the 50th Resurrection Newroz.”


Main Newroz event in Switzerland

March 20

Time: 13.30

Forum /Fribourg


March 21

Time: 18.30

Rue du-Blane18, 1201 Geneve

St. Gallen

March 19

Time: 17.00

St-Leonhardspark, 9000 ST Gallen


March 21

Time: 17.00

Place du Riponne


March 19

Time: 18.00

Neumark, 8400 Winterthur


March 19

Time: 17.00

Engadinstrasse ,7000 Chur


March 21

Time: 18.30

May Day Square


March 21

Sat: 17.30


2502 Biel


March 19

Time: 14.00

Via Sole ,6500 Belinzon


March 21

Time: 19.00

Verkehrshaus .6006 Lucerne, Helvetiaplatz: 6003, Rally.