Kürkçü and Tuncel to visit Rojava border
HDK (Peoples' Democratic Congress) Co-Spokespersons Eruğrul Kürkçü and Sebahat Tuncel will join the delegation that will pay a visit to Rojava border upon a call by the Peace Bloc on 25-26 July.
HDK (Peoples' Democratic Congress) Co-Spokespersons Eruğrul Kürkçü and Sebahat Tuncel will join the delegation that will pay a visit to Rojava border upon a call by the Peace Bloc on 25-26 July.
HDK (Peoples' Democratic Congress) Co-Spokespersons Eruğrul Kürkçü and Sebahat Tuncel will join the delegation that will pay a visit to Rojava border upon a call by the Peace Bloc on 25-26 July.
The delegation will be composed of intellectuals, artists, representatives of democratic mass organizations, peace activists and deputies.
HDK said in a written statement that Co-Spokespersons Eruğrul Kürkçü and Sebahat Tuncel will join the delegation in the visit to the border between North (Bakur) and West (Rojava) Kurdistan on 25-26 July.
Last week, a number of political parties, democratic mass organizations, labour and trade bodies, as well as intellectuals and artists have formed a 'Peace Bloc'. Constituents that declared the founding of the Bloc stated that they would be defending peace against the AKP's discourses of war against Syria.
Speaking at the press conference where the founding of the Peace Bloc was announced, HDK Co-Spokesperson and HDP İzmir deputy Ertuğrul Kürkçü described the Peace Bloc as a unity of importance and manifestation of the will to stop the arbitrarily acting governments in Turkey.
"The risk of war we are facing today has no genuine, understandable or internationally lawful ground. The autonomous governance emerged in Rojava leads a will for freedom against ISIS barbarity and ISIS monsters", he said.