Large turnout at the opening of Democratic Kurdish Community Centre in Stuttgart

The opening of the new Democratic Kurdish Community Centre in Stuttgart turned into a rally due to the broad participation.


On Sunday, hundreds of people gathered in Stuttgart for the opening of the new Democratic Kurdish Community Centre (DKTM). The opening ceremony took place in an enthusiastic atmosphere, with representatives of Kurdish and different international organisations sending greetings or giving speeches. The DKTM opened with a minute of silence for those who died in the struggle for freedom. The families of martyrs cut the opening ribbon by chanting slogans such as “Şehîd namirin” (Martyrs are immortal), “Bijî Serok Apo” (Long Live Leader Öcalan) and “Jin Jiyan Azadî” (Woman, Life, Freedom). Due to the large number of participants, there was not enough space in the large hall, so many took part in the opening in the garden of the building.

The opening speech was given by the co-chairs of the DKTM, Mesut Dağan and Pervin Şen. In their speech, they stated: "We open our association today with great determination and enthusiasm, together with our people and their friends. We promise to do our best to do justice to our people and to solve the social, political and cultural problems in this association with your support. On this basis, we salute all the families of the martyrs in our association and our people."

With regard to the attacks of the Turkish state and the ruling KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) in Southern Kurdistan, the co-chair of the European Kurdish umbrella organisation KCDK-E, Zübeyde Zümrüt, stated: "At a time when the fascist Turkish state and the KDP-Barzani family, as representatives of treason, are carrying out attacks everywhere and doing everything to destroy the achievements of the Kurdish people. the Barzanî clan, as representatives of the line of betrayal, are carrying out attacks everywhere and doing everything to destroy the achievements of the Kurdish people, we see the opening of such an institution in the Stuttgart region as a great response. Hundreds of our people and dozens of friends have gathered today for the opening of our association and have made it clear with their slogans that they will never give way to fascism. Moreover, our people have made it clear here that they will never accept the isolation of Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan]."

Afterwards, Ruken Akça, the co-chair of KON-MED (Confederation of Kurdistan Communities in Germany), took the floor and pointed out the importance of building their own institutions: "As a people in the diaspora, we have the right to institutionalize ourselves wherever we are, just like the other peoples. All four parts of our country are under attack. It is our right to resist these attacks and support the struggle of our people and the guerrillas fighting for freedom throughout Kurdistan. It is our duty to support you in all ways as people from our nation who had to flee from the dirty war of the fascist Turkish state and settle in Stuttgart. In this sense, we congratulate you on the opening of the association and wish you much success in your work."

In addition to the HDP politicians Nursel Aydoğan and Faysal Sarıyıldız, the state spokesperson of the Left Party of Baden-Württemberg, Aynur Karlıkaya, a representative of the Palestine Committee and members of the Lilo Herrmann Left Centre also delivered greetings and declared their solidarity with the Kurdish struggle for freedom. The parties and organisations YJK-E, PYD, Partizan, MLCP, DIDF, GIK-DER and MKP also sent greetings and messages.

After the speeches and messages, Ali Baran, Hozan Simar, Bermal Cem, Zeynep Enhas, Sedat û Bawer, Garip Nurhak Rever Davran and the children's choir performed. The participants greeted the opening of the Stuttgart association with traditional dances.