Lawyers detained in Mersin and Van

3 lawyers including the İHD Mersin Branch Secretary Özgür Çağlar were detained in Mersin, while Free Lawyers Platform member lawyer Erhan Çiftçiler was detained in a late night house raid in Van.

Homes and offices of Human Rights Association (Insan Hakları Derneği - İHD) Mersin Branch Secretary Özgür Çağlar and lawyers Mehmet Altundaş, Bedri Kuran, Ali Bozan, Rıza Oğuz and Sebahat Gençtarih were raided by the police in the early morning hours.

After searches conducted in the homes, lawyers Gençtarih, Kuran and Bozan were detained and taken to Mersin Province Police Headquarters. Lawyers Çağlar, Altundaş and Oğuz were not at their addresses and warrants have reportedly been issued for their detention.

The police search continues in Mersin.

Meanwhile in Van, Free Lawyers Platform member lawyer Erhan Çiftçiler’s home was raided late in the night and he was detained.

Police raided homes of Free Lawyers Platform member lawyer Erhan Çiftçiler and another worker of the Van Bar Association and took Çiftçiler and the Bar worker to the Van Police Headquarters.

The reason for Çiftçiler’s detention is unknow for now.