Man wounded by Hizbulkontra in Amed dies

Man wounded by Hizbulkontra in Amed dies

A young man shot by supporters of the Hizbullah/Hür Dava Party during protests in Amed against ISIS attacks yesterday has died of his wounds. With the death of Mahsum Çoban, 21, the number of those who has died after protests against ISIS gang attacks on Kobane Canton has reached 11.

Another person has died after armed attacks by Hizbullah/Hür Dava Party members on protests that took place in Amed yesterday.

Mahsum Çoban, 21, who was wounded in the stomach by a shotgun, was taken to the Education and Training Hospital, but died despite all efforts to save him. Çoban's funeral will take place later today before burial at the Yeniköy cemetery.