March to protest the international conspiracy starts in Strasbourg

The march to protest the 18th anniversary of the international conspiracy of February 15 against Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan has started. Over 70 internationalists from 15 different countries are leading the march.

Kurds in Europe and their allies have gathered in the Boulevard de Nancy and Boulevard de Metz along the Central Train Station in Strasbourg, France to protest the international conspiracy of February 15, 1999 against Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Kurds and allies gathered in front of the Strasbourg Train Station started their great march behind a huge banner which reads “Freedom for Öcalan, Status for Kurdistan”. Over 70 activists who marched from Luxembourg to Strasbourg for Öcalan’s freedom and the Mannheim March activists lead the march where participants carry posters of Öcalan and flags of PKK, KCK, YPG and YPJ.

The activists who are accompanied by thousands are chanting “Freedom for Öcalan, Status for Kurdistan” throughout Strasbourg streets.

Members of the Kurdish Friendship Association of France, the Communist Party of France (PCF) and Union of Communist Youth (Cercle communiste) are joining the march with their own banners.

Protestors chant "Biji Serok Apo" and Biki PKK" [Long Live Öcalan and PKK), "Viva international solidarity", "Down with fascist Turkish regime" and "Murderer Erdoğan".

Short speeches made via megaphones during the march stress that the Kurdish people will not get defeated by the international conspiracy of February 15, 1999 that aimed to finish them in the person of Öcalan.

French police have taken intense security measures throughout the course of the march. Hundreds of Kurdish youth are also participating in the mission of providing own security.

Amid great interest from French media and press from some other countries, the march continues towards Rue des Vanneaux where a rally will be held afterwards.