Message from internationalist fighters in Afrin

Fighters of the Internationalist Brigade in Rojava urged all to raise voice against Turkish invasion in Afrin.

YPG Press Center released a footage that shows fighters of the international brigade in Afrin. The fighters urged all to raise voice against Turkish invasion and fight against AKP’s fascism.

Here is the full text of the statement:

The fascist army of Turkey started an attack on Afrin. We as the international fighters of YPG are going to defend Afrin against the fascist Turkish state. From Germany to China from the United States to Britain we came to Russia and fought against the terrorism of DAESH gangs who were actively supported by the Erdogan regime.

We now confront the fascist terrorism under a new flag the Turkish flag. Most of the world watch as Kobane was burned and bled and learned that Rojava will not fall. That YPG and YPJ will not be broken.

Most of the world watched as we brought DAESH to its knees. We buried the sick dreams of the Caliphate and liberated their so-called capital. Now on the banks of the river Euphrates, we are finishing our work. Is it a coincidence that the Erdogan regime attacks Afrin when DAESH gangs are about to be destroyed.

If not for the YPG and YPJ how many black flags would still fly? How many graves would have been filled? How much blood has been spared by the struggle of YPG? Not only from in Syria but also all over the world.

Now the world watches as the YPG stands again against terrorism and aggression. Now the world watches Afrin. Challenging recklessly international law the Turkish fascist state is trying to invade Afrin.

We have fought against DAESH for humanity. And now we ask the world support us. We stand against this aggression, stand with us! Raise our voices against the shameless lies raise your voices with us!

We fight against fascism, fight with us!

We promised the world that Rojava will be the grave for the fascist Erdogan regime. This invasion is a threat to the accomplishments of years of struggle for women's liberation, pluralism and democracy. Any attack is an attack on these values. We will stand to defend these values.

Yet again fight for humanity! Will the world support us?

This Turkish aggression cannot go unchallenged by the international community. We cannot allow now to such atrocities. Fascism is fascism. We ask the world to speak up against it.