More detentions and arrests in 5 cities

Several people have been detained and arrested in Ankara, Malatya, Ağrı, Adana and Dersim.

The AKP/Palace regime continues their political genocide practices against the Kurdish people and the democratic circles.


Ankara Branches Platform members gathered in Sakarya Avenue to demand an end to the state of emergency, cancellation of the statutory decrees that remove job security and the reversal of the discharges.

The police attacked the demonstration and detained three union members.


In Malatya, Eğitim-Sen and SES members Özkan Karataş, Erdoğan Canpolat, Cengiz Uğurlu and Umut Sertaç Ökdemir continued their sit-in protest on the 26th day with the slogan “I want my job back”. The demonstration was held in Emeksiz Square. Many KESK Branches Platform members supported the demonstration, which was attacked by the police later without provocation. At least 30 union members were detained.

The detained KESK members were taken to the Security Directorate.


The procedure has been completed for 7 out of the 14 people detained in the simultaneous house raids on January 23 in Istanbul and Urfa, centered in Ağrı’s Doğubayazıt district including Doğubayazıt Co-mayors Murat Rohat Özbay and Delal Tekdemir. The 7 people have been taken to the court house after their health controls. They were referred to the Criminal Court of Peace from the prosecutor’s office with a demand for their arrest.

5 out of the 7 were arrested on charges of “terrorist propaganda” and “aiding and abetting” and 2 were released on probation.

Doğubayazıt Municipality Deputy Co-chair Berrin Öztürk, Municipal Council Members Gönül Öztürk, Mecbure Şahin, Mustafa Andiç and M. Ali Dönder were arrested and sent to the Ağrı Closed Prison.

7 people are still in custody, including Doğubayazıt Co-mayors Delal Tekdemir and Murat Rohat Özbay, who had trustees appointed in their place, and Municipal Council Members.


Erbil E., Murat S. and Şiyar U. were detained previously for outstanding arrest warrants. They were transferred to the court house following the procedures in the security directorate. The three were referred to the investigating judge, charged with “membership to a terrorist organization” with a demand for their arrest. The judge ruled for the arrest of Erbil E. and released Murat S. and Şiyar U. were released on probation.


The police raided former DBP administrator Emir Ali Genç’s home in Harçik TOKİ, Dersim and conducted a long search in the house. After hours of searching, Genç was detained and taken to the Provincial Security Directorate.

ESP members Gamze Daş and Elif Çelik were detained in house raids in the city 4 days ago, and their statement procedures in the Security Directorate have been completed. Demonstrations and events Daş and Çelik attended when they were students, their statements and phone conversations are the basis for the accusations. Özgür Kiraz was detained and brought in from Maraş and is expected to give his statement today.