Motion on Abdullah Öcalan submitted to the Spanish Senate

The pro-independence coalition Izquierdas por la Independencia Parliamentary Group in the Spanish Senate submitted a motion for a hearing on the situation of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Senators Gorka Elejabarrieta Díaz and Laura Castel i Fort, from the coalition formed by Esquerra Republicana de Cataluna (ERC) and Euskal Herria Bildu, presented a motion on the situation of the Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan.

The motion calls for the respect of Abdullah Öcalan's human rights, in accordance with the provisions of the Senate's Rules of Procedure, and requests that the motion be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations for consideration.

The motion submitted to the Senate emphasised that Abdullah Öcalan is a central figure and a leader known for his influence in the search for a peaceful solution.

“Since 2019, he has been held in complete isolation with no contact with the outside world and no possibility to communicate with his lawyers or family members. This isolation policy is a violation of his humanitarian and fundamental rights,” said the motion, mentioning the detention and trial processes, ECtHR judgements and isolation.

“The figure of Abdullah Öcalan is vital to progress in the peace process in Turkey and Kurdistan. Over the years, Öcalan has proposed numerous peace initiatives and plans that have been endorsed by the Kurdish community, including the ‘Road Map’, which sets out a phased approach to resolving the conflict. However, the Turkish government has chosen to ignore these proposals, perpetuating violence and suffering. The demand for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan is not only a matter of justice, but a moral obligation. Öcalan's release is vital for breaking the cycle of violence that has marked the country's history.”

The motion addressed to the Foreign Affairs Committee includes the following calls;

1. urges the Government of Turkey to respect the judgements of the ECtHR and to ensure conditions of detention in accordance with human rights.

2. urges the Government of Spain to condemn the human rights violations committed against Öcalan and other political prisoners in Turkey.

3. urges the Government of Spain to use the diplomatic means at its disposal to pressure the Turkish Government to comply with the judgements of the ECtHR, to guarantee Öcalan's access to his lawyers and family and to secure his release.

4. urges the Government of Spain to encourage the inclusion of the issue of human rights on the agenda of bilateral relations with Turkey.

5. urges the international community to closely follow the situation of Abdullah Öcalan and to put pressure on the Turkish Government to guarantee his freedom and respect his rights.