Names of the persons and institutions organising ISIS in Bingöl
Apart from Adıyaman, Bingöl is another Kurdish city in Turkey where gang groups such as ISIS, Al-Nusra or Ahrar-u Sham are freely getting organised.
Apart from Adıyaman, Bingöl is another Kurdish city in Turkey where gang groups such as ISIS, Al-Nusra or Ahrar-u Sham are freely getting organised.
Apart from Adıyaman, Bingöl is another Kurdish city in Turkey where gang groups such as ISIS, Al-Nusra or Ahrar-u Sham are freely getting organised.
Following the traces of ISIS, Al-Nusra and Ahrar-u Sham groups in Bingöl, ANF has obtained significant details regarding the organisational activities of these gang groups at the level of names and institutions.
Those engaged in organisational activities for ISIS, Al-Nusra and Ahrur-u Sham gangs in Bingöl are composed of primarily JITEM (Gendarmerie Organisation for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism) and some front organisations of the AKP; including Haksöz, Bingöl Association of Knowledge and Thought (Bingöl Bilgi ve Düşünce Derneği), Bingöl Society for Dissemination of Science (Bingöl İlim Yayma Cemiyeti) as well as former members of Turkish Hezbollah.
The organisational activities of ISIS in Bingöl are led by a member of JITEM, just as it is the case in Adıyaman (by JITEM member Osman Karlı). That JITEM member is Zeki B. , son of Ali H.B.
Zeki B. , who denies his Kurdish identity, has been specially trained by the Turkish state. His hostility towards Kurds has reached the extent of killing his wife from a Kurdish patriotic family. Zeki B. said his wife had committed suicide although was murdered by him, and the Turkish state covered up the incident.
Some of the gang members recruited by Zeki B. are now fighting against the Kurds in Rojava in the ranks of ISIS. One of those ISIS members is his uncle's son, Yılmaz B.
Other names working for the organisation of ISIS in Bingöl (Çewlîg) include Ömer B. and Enes B, both of whom are nephews of Zeki B.
Zeki B. uses his nephew Enes as a carrier and a messenger, while his other nephew Ömer is in charge of one of the ISIS cells in Bingöl. Another name, Hezbollah member İbrahim Dağılma, also takes part in ISIS organisation in the city, recruiting new militants for the Islamic group.
In addition to the organisation of ISIS gangs, Al-Nusra and Ahrur-u Sham are also performing intense organisational activities in the city.
The organisational activities for Al-Nusra and Ahrar-u Sham are conducted under the name of two pro-AKP associations in Bingöl, one being the Bingöl Association of Knowledge and Thought affiliated to Özgür-Der and the other one being the Society for Dissemination of Science. The head of Bingöl Association of Knowledge and Thought is Dr. Mustafa Yılmaz, who is originally from Kastamonu and occupies an official position in a public institution as vice-director of Bingöl Public Health Centre.
There are some reports about him saying that he was specifically sent to Bingöl by the state for the organisation of Al-Nusra and Ahrar-u Sham and that he is a member of the Turkish Intelligence (MIT). Serkan Elçi and Yusuf B. are two other names working in the team of Dr. Yılmaz.
Just to note, Dr. Mustafa Yılmaz was spreading propaganda of Al-Nusra and Ahrar-u Sham on Twitter under the account “Aynu’l Kuzat”. He altered the name of his account after being exposed and now continues doing same kind of propaganda under a different name. Head of Society for Dissemination of Science, İdris Kılıç, also leads a similar organisational activity.
The organisation of these gang groups also involve some other people from the administration of Birey Dershanesi (Private School) which was granted a school status upon the related law enacted by AKP in Kurdistan and Anatolia, and was later turned into Boğaziçi High School. The names of these persons are Hamdullah D. And Nihat K.
On the other hand, some of those trapped by the AKP and JITEM and sent to Rojava to fight against the Kurds as the triggermen of Wahhabi Arab-Turkish racism, are: Metin Ekinci, Hüseyin Girişen, Ali Arıkboğa, İdris Kökten and Abdullah Ayaz.
In the meantime, a curious incident took place in the city at the beginning of the year, related to ISIS despite the persistent distortion of the fact by Bingöl governorate through Turkish media.
As two militants of ISIS, Mehmet Ali Seçkin and Yakup Polat, discuss over going to Rojava Kurdistan to fight the Kurds, Seçkin says to Polat “It is now your time to go; you will go to Kobanê and fight the Kurds”, and Polat refuses it. When they meet for the second time to discuss about the issue, Mehmet Ali Seçkin murders Yakup Polat, while Turkish police than kill Seçkin in a house to cover up the incident which Bingöl governorate later explained as “he committed a suicide after murdering his friend due to a hysteria attack”.
It is no more a secret that the AKP directs the gang groups from time to time, let alone intervene them.
PKK Executive Committee member and the General Commander of People’s Defense Centre, Murat Karayılan, also drew attention to the organisation of the ISIS gangs in Bingöl a while ago, saying that “ISIS gangs are openly performing organisational activities in Çewlîg.”