NAV-BEL calls on people to join solidarity with Maxmur campaign
"As Kurds living in Belgium, we say 'give voice to Maxmur and don't leave them alone' with the spirit of national unity," said NAV-BEL.
"As Kurds living in Belgium, we say 'give voice to Maxmur and don't leave them alone' with the spirit of national unity," said NAV-BEL.
NAV-BEL, the Belgian People's Assembly, has issued a call to express solidarity with Maxmur Refugee Camp, which has been under the embargo for about 10 months.
"The Belgian People's Assembly is expressing solidarity with Maxmur," said NAV-BEL in a written statement.
Reminding that the world has been stopped by coronavirus, NAV-BEL added: "As Kurds living in Belgium, we say 'give voice to Maxmur and don't leave them alone' with the spirit of national unity. Remember, keeping humans alive is defending humanity. You have a family in Maxmur camp… If you want to give a voice to your family, you can join this campaign and increase solidarity."
The statement noted that the 'Twin Family' campaign is being carried out by 7 councils, PYD, Heyva Sor a Kurdistan and that over 100 families have been adopted so far.
The statement said that those who wish to participate in the campaign can do so by reaching:
ASBL Croissant Rouge du Kurdistan-
Tel: +32(0)470 94 64 19
IBAN: BE16 3630 6327 6574