The PACE committee composed of Norwegian parliamentarian Ingebjørg Godskesen, Serbian parliamentarian Nataša Vuckovic and Turkey co-rapporteurs will be in Turkey between May 9 and 12 for an observation of the running of democratic institutions.
Today, the committee will meet representatives from the press, journalists’ institutions and non-governmental organizations.
Tomorrow, the committee will go to Amed and meet with co-mayors, governor and human rights organization representatives.
On May 11 and 12, the committee will meet with the president of the Constitutional Court and representatives from the Supreme Court, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Ministry of European Affairs, Association of Judges and Prosecutors, and NGOs.
On March 9, the PACE Commission had expressed concerns regarding the freedom of the press, access to plural and independent information, constitutional court decisions, rule of law, and human rights violations in Kurdistan.
The commission had also proposed that co-rapporteurs visit Turkey for an observation, and the co-rapporteurs are expected to present a report on the running of democratic institutions in Turkey this June.